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We help you master your requirements so you can focus on your business!
For funds according to UCITS and AIFMD, we cover your back in risk management with the following superpowers:
Calculation of Value at Risk (VaR) including back and stress testing in accordance with CSSF-18/698 and Derivateverordnung
Calculation of commitmet approach (Lux) and einfacher Ansatz (D) according to CSSF-18/698 and Derivateverordnung
Determination of the liquidity risk - including liquidity stress testing according to ESMA Guitdelines
Sum of notionals / sum of the nominal values
AIF commitment and gross leverage
In addition to the classic "number crunching", we play out other strengths in the
Qualitative risk management for alternative investment funds
Creation of documentation and guidelines such as risk management principles and procedures
Risk profiles
Validations of the risk model according to ESMA 10/788
Determination of data for reporting according to AIFMD Annex IV (AIFMD reporting)
Risikomanagement: Dienstleistungen
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